Creating A New Business (No Merchant Data)

Access Endpoint URL: [POST]

You can use the CreateNewBusiness method to rapidly create a business entity in Everyware that does not have any merchant or payment services attached. It can be used for two way text messaging, and many other features built into the Everyware Portal System. The two-way text messaging feature will be available as soon as the new mobile number is assigned.

Payments can be activated and integrated after providing the appropriate merchant account details to your Everyware Account Manager.

Inbound Parameters

Parameters should be passed in a single JSON-body object.

FirstNameThe first name of the Main Business Contact.Required
LastNameThe last name of the Main Business Contact.Required
EmailThe email address of the Main Business Contact.

PhoneThe phone number of the Main Business Contact (10-digits max, no formatting).

Example: 3055551212
Address1Line one of the primary street address for the Main Business Contact.Optional
Address2Line two of the secondary street address for the Main Business Contact. This is usually an apartment/suite/unit number.Optional
CityThe city corresponding to the Main Business Contact's address.Optional
StateThe state code for the Main Business Contact's address.

Format: 2-letter code (TX, FL, etc.)
PostalCodeThe zip/postal code of the Main Business Contact's address.Optional
BusinessLegalNameThe legal name of the business.Required
BusinessPhoneThe phone number of the business (10-digits max, no formatting).

This is the main phone number used to determine the area code of the mobile number assigned for the sales site.

It is also the number to which calls will be forwarded from your assigned mobile number (this can be changed later).

If left blank, the Main Business Contact's phone will be used to determine the area code for the mobile number and call forwarding.

Example: 3055551212
BusinessEmailThe primary email address for the business.

If left blank, no email address will appear at the bottom of your receipts. Receipts will appear to come from the Main Business Contact's email address.
BusinessAddress1Line One of the business's street address.Optional
BusinessAddress2Line Two of the business's street address.Optional
BusinessCityThe city corresponding to the business's street address.Optional
BusinessStateThe state code of the business's street address.

Format: 2-letter code (TX, FL, etc.)
BusinessPostalCodeThe zip/postal code of the business street address.Optional
BusinessTypeIdA numeric field denoting the type of business/industry/vertical the merchant account is for.

Contact your Everyware representative to confirm the value(s) you should be using for the business(es) you will be onboarding.
URLThe website address for the business. The http/https prefix is not required.

EINThe business's tax identification number.Required
ExternalIDAn optional, unique identifier Everyware can store. It is returned in the Payment Report Webhook.

If an ExternalID is sent twice, Everyware will block the duplicate site from being created.
ExternalAPIKeyOnly enter if you want an external key defined by you to override the key assigned by Everyware.Optional
PaymentsWebhookURLAn optional webhook hosted by you that Everyware will post the data to when a payment is completed. You must include a valid URL prefix (example: https://).Optional
MessagesWebhookURLAn optional webhook hosted by you that Everyware will post the data to when a message is created. You must include a valid URL prefix (example: https://).Optional
CustomersWebhookURLAn optional webhook hosted by you that Everyware will post the data to when a customer is added. You must include a valid URL prefix (example: https://).Optional
ReferralIDThe ID of the referring company/agent. It is sent to Everyware's account management team when new sales sites are created.

Example: "Business Inc"
PaymentWebhookUsernameThe username for the payment webhook that you host.Optional
PaymentWebhookPasswordThe password for the payment webhook that you host.Optional
MobileNumberAssignedThe mobile number assigned to the business.Optional
ParentIdThe ID of the master sales site.Optional


Optional: BusinessTypeID

The BusinessTypeID will determine the default services, invoice fields and other feature settings throughout the site. If blank, the industry will default to the Master Site’s Business Type. If blank at the Master Site level and business level, sites will default to the most generic site type, “Other.”



This is the main phone number used to determine the mobile number area code assigned for the site. And it is the number to which calls will be forwarded from your assigned mobile number.

If left blank, the main contact's phone will be used to determine mobile area code and for call forwarding.



Primary email address of business.

If left blank, no email address will appear at the bottom of your email receipts and receipts will appear to come from the main contact's email address.


Webhook formatting

Make sure to include a proper URL prefix for a fully qualified address to your webhook.


Response Parameters

Please note that the API response for this call is not in the universal response format. It is specific to this call.

MobileNumberUnique messaging phone number assigned for the business.
SalesSiteIDThe unique identifier in Everyware for the business.
APIKeyThe API Key for the newly created business.
UsernameThe username generated for the newly created business, which will usually be the same as a SalesSiteID.

Sample Code

  "FirstName": "John",
  "LastName": "Doe",
  "Email": "",
  "Phone": "5555555555",
  "Address1": "100 Main St",
  "Address2": "Apt B",
  "City": "Austin",
  "State": "TX",
  "PostalCode": "78701",
  "BusinessLegalName": "Business, Inc.",
  "BusinessPhone": "5551112222",
  "BusinessEmail": "",
  "BusinessAddress1": "200 South St",
  "BusinessAddress2": "",
  "BusinessCity": "Austin",
  "BusinessState": "TX",
  "BusinessPostalCode": "78018",
  "BusinessTypeID": "88",
  "URL": "",
  "EIN": "123456789",  
  "Gateway": "",
  "ExternalID": "",
  "ExternalAPIKey": "",
  "PaymentsWebhookURL": "",
  "MessagesWebhookURL": "",
  "CreateBusinessAPIURL": "",
  "CustomersWebhookURL": "",
  "ExternalUsername" : "",
  "ExternalPassword" : "",
  "ExternalMID" : "",
  "ExternalTerminalID": ""
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic [xxx]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
  "FirstName": "John",
  "LastName": "Doe",
  "Email": "",
  "Phone": "5555555555",
  "Address1": "100 Main St",
  "Address2": "Apt B",
  "City": "Austin",
  "State": "TX",
  "PostalCode": "78701",
  "BusinessLegalName": "Business, Inc.",
  "BusinessPhone": "5551112222",
  "BusinessEmail": "",
  "BusinessAddress1": "200 South St",
  "BusinessAddress2": "",
  "BusinessCity": "Austin",
  "BusinessState": "TX",
  "BusinessPostalCode": "78018",
  "BusinessTypeID": "88",
  "URL": "",
  "EIN": "123456789",  
  "Gateway": "",
  "ExternalID": "",
  "ExternalAPIKey": "",
  "PaymentsWebhookURL": "",
  "MessagesWebhookURL": "",
  "CreateBusinessAPIURL": "",
  "CustomersWebhookURL": "",
  "ExternalUsername" : "",
  "ExternalPassword" : "",
  "ExternalMID" : "",
  "ExternalTerminalID": ""
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "Message": "Nice! New Business Account has been created successfully.",
    "Data": {
        "MobileNumber": "5555555555",
        "SalesSiteID": 127982,
        "UserName": "127982"

Example Business Profile Portal View