Updating a Subscription

Access Endpoint URL: https://rest.everyware.com/api/subscriptions/UpdateSubscription [PUT]

Send a request to the UpdateSubscription endpoint to update a customer's subscription details. Various aspects of the subscription can be modified, including the payment method, plan, recurring charges, and other parameters.

Inbound Parameters

Parameters should be passed in a single JSON-body object.

Parameter NameData typeDescriptionOptional/Required
SubscriptionID longUnique identifier for a particular subscription.Required
CardTokenstringCard token to be used with the subscription.Required
RecurringChargedecimalAmount charged each interval.Optional
DiscountPercentdoubleDiscount amount applied to subscription (i.e. 10% would meant that a recurring amount of $100 would now become 90$ per iteration)Optional
TaxAmount decimal% Tax levied on top of recurring amount (i.e. 8.25 on a recurring amount of $100 would be $108.25)Optional
ProratebooleanIf true, the next recurring charge will reflect changes THE DAY the changes were made. If false, the changes are applied on the next recurring charge.

Proration will be done on a time-based subscription schedule with the following methodology:
Prorated cost = (Days Used / Total Days in Billing Cycle) / Subscription Price

Code Sample

  "SubscriptionID": 123434373727,
  "CardToken": "1234abcd",
  "RecurringCharge": 10.00,
  "DiscountPercent": 5.00 ,
  "TaxAmount": 2.50,
  "Prorate": false
curl --location 'https://rest.everyware.com/api/Default/createsubscription' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic [xxx]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
  "SubscriptionID": 123434373727,
  "CardToken": "1234abcd",
  "RecurringCharge": 10.00,
  "DiscountPercent": 5.00 ,
  "TaxAmount": 2.50,
  "Prorate": false
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "Message": "The subscription was successfully created.",
    "Data": "2364",
    "OrderNumber": null