Get Terminals

Access Endpoint URL for all synced terminals: [GET]

Access Endpoint URL specifically for active terminals: [GET]

You can use the GetTerminals method to fetch a sales site's synced terminal details. If you are interested in retrieving information for terminals with a status of "Active", use the second endpoint URL.



If your sales site is not enabled for Card Present Terminal functionality, you will encounter the following error response: "Card Present Terminal functionality has not be enabled for this sales site". Contact if you encounter this error.

Response Parameters

SalesSiteIdThe unique identifier in Everyware for the business.
EverywareTerminalIdEveryware issued unique Id used to differentiate between terminals associated with a single Everyware sales site. Ex: “2"
ProviderTerminalIdTerminal provider issued Id, which appears in the Point of Sale Settings table in the Everyware portal ‘Terminal Id’ column. Ex: “11ecd08f84335ffea994b6a5”
ProviderLocationIdTerminal provider issued Id used to differentiate between terminals associated with a single Everyware sales site, which appears in the Everyware Point of Sales Settings table ‘Location Id’ column. Ex: “11eca926e0b93ed2915f8b20”
TerminalModelTerminal provider issued device model name, which appears in the Everyware Point of Sale Settings table ‘Type’ column.Ex: "Lane 3000"
TerminalNameDefault will equal TerminalModel above. This field can be edited using the PUT /terminals call to customize the name of this device per the software application or merchant's preference to easily identify what device this is i.e. - "Register 1 - Front Counter", "Lane 5 Terminal" etc.
SerialNumberLast 8 digits of the terminal device's serial number. Ex "53269599"
IsActiveTrue: Returns only Active terminals
False/NULL: Returns all synced terminals, active or otherwise. This flag can also be updated by leveraging the PUT /terminals call.
IsConnectedWill return true if terminal is connected and false if it is not.
InUseWill return true if terminal is in use and false if it is not.
CreatedAtDate the terminal was initially synced to the Everyware system in year-month-day and time format in UTC. Appears in the Everyware Point of Sales Settings table ‘Date Added’ column. "2022-05-31T20:11:17.543"
UpdatedAtDate the terminal properties were last updated by Everyware or a portal/API user. Appears in the Everyware Point of Sales Settings table ‘Date Modified’ column."2022-05-31T20:11:17.543" in UTC.

Sample JSON Response

        "SalesSiteId": 142279,
        "EverywareTerminalId": 60,
        "ProviderTerminalId": "11ed56fa4ac4cb62829f6448",
        "ProviderLocationId": "31ed508b0b5063ee9cd32f7f",
        "TerminalModel": "#3 Lane 3000 update",
        "TerminalName": "#3 Lane 3000 update",
        "SerialNumber": "35104319",
        "IsActive": true,
      	"IsConnected": true,
      	"InUse": true,
        "CreatedAt": "2023-04-21T16:28:54.313",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-12-14T18:51:42.523"
        "SalesSiteId": 142279,
        "EverywareTerminalId": 61,
        "ProviderTerminalId": "11ed56fa3a2fafecbab3a7da",
        "ProviderLocationId": "31ed508b0b5063ee9cd32f7f",
        "TerminalModel": "#2 Lane 3000 update",
        "TerminalName": "#2 Lane 3000 update",
        "SerialNumber": "35271413",
        "IsActive": true,
      	"IsConnected": true,
      	"InUse": true,
        "CreatedAt": "2023-04-21T16:28:54.313",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-12-14T18:51:42.537"
        "SalesSiteId": 142279,
        "EverywareTerminalId": 62,
        "ProviderTerminalId": "11ed56fa28d4afc29b719429",
        "ProviderLocationId": "31ed508b0b5063ee9cd32f7f",
        "TerminalModel": "#1 Lane 3000 update",
        "TerminalName": "#1 Lane 3000 update",
        "SerialNumber": "20794237",
        "IsActive": true,
      	"IsConnected": true,
      	"InUse": true,
        "CreatedAt": "2023-04-21T16:28:54.34",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-12-14T18:51:42.537"
        "SalesSiteId": 142279,
        "EverywareTerminalId": 84,
        "ProviderTerminalId": "11ee7a7a23ad95dc9f741ca9",
        "ProviderLocationId": "31ed508b0b5063ee9cd32f7f",
        "TerminalModel": " #1 Move 5000",
        "TerminalName": " #1 Move 5000",
        "SerialNumber": "53269599",
        "IsActive": true,
      	"IsConnected": true,
      	"InUse": true,
        "CreatedAt": "2023-11-07T18:30:34.31",
        "UpdatedAt": "2023-12-14T18:51:42.523"

Get Terminals Portal Example UI


Terminal information as it appears in Point of Sale Settings in Everyware Portal

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