Creating a Subscription

Access Endpoint URL: [POST]

Send a request to the CreateSubscription endpoint to create a new subscription plan that charges an existing customer card or ACH token.

Inbound Parameters

Parameters should be passed in a single JSON-body object.

Parameter NameData TypeDescriptionOptional/Required
CardTokenstringThe specific token that references the credit card to be charged.*Required

Either CardToken or ACHToken must be provided
ACHTokenstringThe specific token for the banking information used for the charge.*Required

Either CardToken or ACHToken must be provided
PlanCodestringA code that refers to a subscription plan that was previously set up in Everyware.

This must have already been configured in Everyware for your sales site before it is provided here.
Optional (See Below)
StartDatedatetimeThe date that the subscription will begin. If left blank, this field will default to today.

Format: MM-DD-YYYY
Optional (defaults to today if not given)
RecurringChargedecimalThe amount to be rebilled at each billing interval.

Format: 1.00 = $1.00
DiscountAmountdoubleAn optional discount percentage amount.

Format: 5 = 5%
TaxAmountdecimalAn optional dollar amount for the tax.

Format: 1.00 = $1.00
IntervalstringThe amount of time that passes between subscription billing:

- weekly
- bi-weekly (every two weeks)
- monthly
- bi-monthly (every two months)
- quarterly
- annual
NumberOfIntervalsintThe number of intervals the subscription will loop for before expiration.

*If this is not provided, it will default to 999.
ServiceDescriptionstringA brief description of the service being billed in the subscription. Will default to "Subscription Service".Optional

Code Sample

  "CardToken": "1234abcd",
  "PlanCode": "SAMPLE1",
  "StartDate": "1-1-2021",
  "Recurringcharge": "10.00",
  "DiscountAmount": "1.00",
  "TaxAmount": "2.50",
  "Interval": "monthly",
  "NumberOfIntervals": "5",
  "ServiceDescription": "Sample Service",
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic [xxx]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
  "cardToken": "1234abcd",
  "planCode": "SAMPLE1",
  "startDate": "1-1-2021",
  "reccurringcharge": "10.00",
  "discountAmount": "1.00",
  "taxAmount": "2.50",
  "interval": "monthly",
  "numberOfIntervals": "5",
  "serviceDescription": "Sample Service",
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "Message": "The subscription was successfully created.",
    "Data": "2364",
    "OrderNumber": null

Example Subscription Plans Portal View