Onboarding Merchants

Everyware strives to provide a seamless experience to onboard new merchants. We collect relevant merchant information to perform necessary know your customer (KYC / KYB) checks and approve or decline the merchant application for payment processing.

We provide two options for collecting merchant data, as follows:

  • Embedded form / link - Everyware will provide a form which you can embed into your software or send to merchants via a unique link.
  • API-based - Everyware provides an onboarding endpoint and webhook for API-based onboarding requests. This is especially beneficial for clients that have an existing application process or onboarding mass merchants as part of a 'back-book' conversion.

In both scenarios, the merchant must agree to the Merchant Tri-Party Agreement found here.

Embedded form / link + Onboarding Webhook

Everyware will generate a form tied to a unique link which captures your merchants' data. This link can be embedded within a landing page or within your platform. Clicking the link will open a new window with the form.

Key points of implementation:

  • Setup: If this option is chosen, the merchant's ID should be captured and exposed in your platform so that the merchant may submit their merchant ID in the ExternalID input along with the rest of their information.
  • Status and return of credentials - To automate the return of the relevant credentials to your system, your team will need to develop an endpoint that can accept a data push from the Onboarding Webhook (See API-based section below). In addition, the webhook will communicate the status of an application, such as when a merchant has been declined.

Everyware monitors basic information related to the form, including merchants that have clicked/opened it and its status related to submission.

API-Based - Onboarding Endpoint + Onboarding Webhook

Everyware's fully integrated onboarding solution consists of two components.

  • Onboarding Endpoint: the OnboardMerchant endpoint is called to submit the merchant's data to Everyware. When Everyware receives the data, the KYC process is initiated. After KYC is passed, the merchant's application for payment processing is reviewed. If an integration to this endpoint is pursued, the merchant will need to read and accept Everyware's Merchant Tri-Party Agreement. This can be done through a link to the agreement and checkbox on the form.
  • Onboarding Webhook: Everyware also uses an Onboarding Webhook to push credentials back to your system, so that you can match the data in your database directly. The webhook also communicates back the status on an application (i.e. approved, declined, etc.).

Onboarding Endpoint

Access Endpoint URL: https://rest.everyware.com/api/onboarding

Inbound Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequired/Optional
onboardingWebhookURLstringThe URL for the endpoint that will receive the data push from Everyware when the onboarding process has concluded.Optional
OnboardingWebhookUsernamestringThe basic auth username used in the request that is pushed to the onboarding webhook URL.Optional
OnboardingWebhookPasswordstringThe basic auth password used in the request that is pushed to the onboarding webhook URL.Optional
contactFirstNamestringFirst name of the main business contact.Optional
contactLastNamestringLast name of the main business contact.Optional
contactPhoneintPhone number of the main business contact. 10-digits max, no formatting.Optional
contactEmailstringEmail of the main business contact.Optional
ownerTitlestringTitle of the owner. Can be one of the following values:

- 1 for President
- 2 for Vice President
- 3 for Treasurer
- 4 for Owner
- 5 for Partner
- 6 for CEO
- 7 for Secretary
- 8 for Director
ownerFirstNamestringFirst name of the business owner.Required
ownerLastNamestringLast name of the business owner.Required
ownerAddressstringLine one of the owner's street address.Required
ownerCitystringCity of owner's street address.Required
ownerPhoneintOwner's phone number.

Format: XXX-XXX-XXXX or
ownerStatestringState code of owner's street address.

Format: 2-letter code (TX, FL, etc.)
ownerZipintThe zip code of the owner's address.Required
ownerCountrystringThe country of the owner's address.

- 1 for USA
ownerDOBdateDate of birth of owner.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY
ownerSSNintSocial security number of owner.

Format: No hyphens
OwnershipPercentageintThe percentage owned by the business owner whose information is submitted via this endpoint. Must be between 1 and 100 inclusive.Required
ownerEmailstringEmail address of owner.

Appears on your email receipts and invoices.
businessDBAstringThe Doing Business As name of the company.Required
businessLegalNamestringLegal name of the company.Required
businessAddressstringLine one of the business's street address. Appears on invoices and receipts.Required
businessCitystringCity of the business's street address.Required
businessStatestringState code of the business's street address.

Format: 2-letter code (TX, FL, etc.)
businessZipintThe zip/postal code of the business street address.Required
businessCountrystringThe country of the business address. As of now, must be "United States of America".Required
corporateAddressstringThe address associated with the business's headquarters, if applicable.Optional
corporateCitystringThe city of the corporate address, if applicable.Optional
corporateStatestringThe state of the corporate address, if applicable.Optional
corporateZipintThe postal code/ZIP of the corporate address, if applicable.Optional
corporateCountrystringThe country of the corporate address, if applicable.Optional
businessEmailstringEmail address of the business.Required
businessPhoneintPhone number of the business.

Format: XXX-XXX-XXXX or
merchantVerticalstringMust be one of the following values:

- 1 for Retail Services
- 8 for Restaurant
- 9 for Automotive
- 10 for CBD/THC/Hemp
- 11 for Healthcare
- 12 for Dental
- 13 for Veterinary
- 14 for Pharmacy
- 15 for Clubs/Member Based Org
- 17 for Travel - Packages
- 18 for Travel - Airfare
- 19 for Non-Profit
- 20 for Business Services
- 21 for Computer Services
productServicesSoldstringProduct/Services sold by business.Required
businessFederalTaxIDintTax Identification NumberRequired
businessPrimaryWebsitestringPrimary website of business. Do not include the http prefix.Required
businessSecondaryWebsitestringSecondary website of business. Do not include the http prefix.Optional
bankNameOnAccountstringThe name associated with the bank account.Required
bankDDAintThe number associated with the demand deposit account.Required
bankNamestringThe name of the business's bank. This is the bank to which Everyware will deposit funds.Required
bankRoutingNumberintThe business's bank routing number. This is the bank to which Everyware will deposit funds.Required
creditCardHighTicketintHighest CC ticket.Required
creditCardAvgTicketintAverage CC ticket.Required
creditCardMonthlyVolumeintMonthly credit card volume.Required
businessStartDatedateThe date the business was started.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY
externalIDstringID of the merchant in an external system that must be passed through to Everyware Required
TermsAcceptanceboolIndicates the merchant has accepted Everyware's Tri-Party Agreement.Required
IPAddressstringThe IP address of the authorized signer for the merchant. This is used during the KYC process. It should be captured via your platform and sent in the request body.Required
ProcessingACHboolTrue/False value that indicates whether the merchant would like to process ACH transactions.

Default value set to false.
NumberOfDevicesDesiredstringThe number of terminals the merchant would like to purchase for card present transactions.

Default value is "0".
EntityTypestringThe type of organization that applies to the merchant. Possible values below:

- "0" for Private Corp
- "1" for LLC
- "2" for Sole Proprietor
- "3" for Public Corporation
- "4" for Non-Profit
- "5" for Government
- "6" for Partnership
- "8" for Other
PartnerInformationstringThis unique identifier will be provided to you by the Everyware tech support team.Optional

Code Samples

Note: If the application failed because information was not submitted completely or properly, the Message parameter of the response will include additional instructions.

  "ownerTitle": "1",
  "ownerFirstName": "John",
  "ownerLastName": "Smith",
  "ownerAddress": "1234 South Street",
  "ownerCity": "Austin",
  "ownerPhone": "444-122-3345",
  "ownerState": "TX",
  "ownerZip": 78701,
  "ownerCountry": "1",
  "ownerDOB": "08/04/1990",
  "ownerSSN": 222334444,
  "ownerEmail": "john.smith@hellosunshine.com",
  "businessDBA": "Hello Sunshine",
  "businessLegalName": "Hello Sunshine, LLC",
  "businessAddress": "4567 North Street",
  "businessCity": "Austin",
  "businessState": "TX",
  "businessZip": 78702,
  "businessCountry": "1",
  "businessEmail": "info@hellosunshine.com",
  "businessPhone": 7778225432,
  "merchantVertical": "1",
  "productServicesSold": "Office supplies",
  "businessFederalTaxId": 222222222,
  "businessPrimaryWebsite": "www.hellosunshine.com",
  "bankNameOnAccount": "John Smith",
  "bankDDA": 111111111,
  "bankName": "Chase",
  "bankRoutingNumber": 1111111111,
  "creditCardHighTicket": 1234,
  "creditCardAvgTicket": 444,
  "creditCardMonthlyVolume": 10000,
  "businessStartDate": "09/01/2020",
  "externalID": "12345432",
  "TermsAcceptance": true
curl --location 'https://rest.everyware.com/Default/OnboardMerchant' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "ownerTitle": "1",
  "ownerFirstName": "John",
  "ownerLastName": "Smith",
  "ownerAddress": "1234 South Street",
  "ownerCity": "Austin",
  "ownerPhone": "4441223345",
  "ownerState": "TX",
  "ownerZip": "78701",
  "ownerCountry": "1",
  "ownerDOB": "08/04/1990",
  "ownerSSN": "xxxxxxxxx",
  "ownerEmail": "john.smith@hellosunshine.com",
  "businessDBA": "Hello Sunshine",
  "businessLegalName": "Hello Sunshine, LLC",
  "businessAddress": "4567 North Street",
  "businessCity": "Austin",
  "businessState": "TX",
  "businessZip": "78702",
  "businessCountry": "1",
  "businessEmail": "info@hellosunshine.com",
  "businessPhone": "7778225432",
  "merchantVertical": "1",
  "productServicesSold": "Office supplies",
  "businessFederalTaxId": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
  "businessPrimaryWebsite": "www.hellosunshine.com",
  "bankNameOnAccount": "John Smith",
  "bankDDA": "111111111",
  "bankName": "Chase",
  "bankRoutingNumber": "",
  "creditCardHighTicket": 1234,
  "creditCardAvgTicket": 444,
  "creditCardMonthlyVolume": 10000,
  "businessStartDate": "09012020",
  "externalID": "12345432"

	"ApplicationID": "string",
  "Message": "Your application has been submitted successfully"
	"Message": "Sorry, your application was unsuccessfully submitted."

Onboarding Webhook

Outbound Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription
SSIDstringThe ID of the sales site (business) in Everyware's system. Also serves as the username when doing Basic Authentication.
ExternalIDstringThe ID of the sales site (business) in the integrated partner's system.
API KeystringThe API key associated with the sales site. This key is used with the SSID for Basic Authentication.

Code Samples

  "ProcessorApplicationSuccess": true,
	"SSID": "172434",
  "ExternalID": "154328",
  "APIKey": "Aes2341Xethre42",

Get Application Status

Access Endpoint URL: https://rest.everyware.com/api/onboarding/status/{applicationId:int} [GET]

Send a GET request to this endpoint to retrieve the status of the onboarding application. Use the application ID provided in the response to the onboarding endpoint described above.

Response Values
