Instant Payout Inquiry

Access Endpoint URL: [POST]

The Instant Payout Inquiry returns the statuses, transfer method, and reason codes for statuses of any instant payout records - from ingested to completed, as described below.

Inbound Parameters

Parameters should be passed in a single JSON-body object.

Parameter NameDescriptionOptional/Required
BatchIdAlphanumeric identifier for the payout batch. Required for any payouts that are intended for a single batch.Optional
ExternalIdUnique identifier Everyware can store with each individual payout. Data will populate the Payouts report if the records are successfully added.Optional
ClientReferenceAn original payment transaction ID associated with the intended payout. Provided by merchant and may be used to acknowledge that the contact/customer is receiving a transfer for an amount previously paid outside of Everyware.

Example: "Patient Payment for Invoice #2209"
FirstNameFirst name of customer/payout recipient.Optional
LastNameLast name of customer/payout recipient.Optional
PhoneNumber1Main phone number of customer/payout recipient (10-digits max, no formatting).

Must be a valid mobile number or the transaction will be declined.

Example: 3055551212
PhoneNumber2Additional phone number of customer/payout recipient (10-digits max, no formatting).

Example: 3055551212
CorrelationIdUnique Identifier for each payoutOptional

Response Parameters

Parameter NameDescription
CorrelationIdUnique Identifier of a payout
BatchIdAlphanumeric ID for the payout batch. Required for any payouts that are intended for a single batch.
BatchNameName of the Payout Batch. Defaults to "[DateAdded YYYY/MM/DD] Payout Batch" if left blank.
ExternalIdUnique identifier Everyware can store with each individual payout. Data will populate the Payouts report if the records are successfully added.
ClientReferenceAn original payment transaction ID associated with the intended payout. Provided by merchant and may be used to acknowledge that the contact/customer is receiving a transfer for an amount previously paid outside of Everyware.

Example: "Patient Payment for Invoice #2209"
FirstNameFirst name of Payout recipient
LastNameLast name of Payout recipient
PhoneNumber1Mobile phone number of customer, provided in 10 digit format: 3055551212.
PhoneNumber2Additional phone number of customer, provided in 10 digit format: 3055551212.
EmailEmail of Payout recipient
AddressAddress of Payout recipient
CityCity of Payout recipient
StateCodeState code of Payout recipient
ZipCodeZip code of Payout recipient
ValidationIdUnique identifier that the customer must match to pass the security check step required to accept their payout. E.g., date of birth
ValidationIdTypeThis required ID type will be utilized for the customer to validate on the Payout Payment form. It will change dynamically depending on the validation ID passed by the Merchant.

Will be date, numeric or text.
ValidationIdDescriptionDescription of required unique identifier - for example, Date of Birth
ValidationId2Unique identifier that the customer must match to pass the security check step required to accept their payout. E.g., date of birth
ValidationId2TypeThis required ID type will be utilized for the customer to validate on the Payout Payment form. It will change dynamically depending on the validation ID passed by the Merchant.

Will be date, numeric or text.
ValidationId2DescriptionDescription of required unique identifier - for example, Date of Birth
AmountAmount to be paid to payout recipient
ShortDescriptionShort description that can be used to further describe the payout. For example, you were issued a refund for "Dentistry Overpayment."

25 character max
ScheduleDateMinThe intended date for the payout link to be generated and sent by text message to the contact. This can also be used to schedule payouts in the future (do not send before 7/1/2024). If left blank, tomorrow's date is default.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Note, some payout links may not send on their intended schedule date depending on security and payout account threshold settings.
ScheduleDateMaxMerchant may specify a required date that the payout must be sent. This represents the last desired date that the payout text link to be offered to the consumer. The consumer will have until the Payout Link Expiration as defined below to complete the payout.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
LinkExpirationDaysNumber of calendar days that the payout link is available from the date the payout was sent to the consumer. Default (max) is 7 days.
ScheduleDateDate that the payout has been scheduled through Payout scheduler.
SentDateTimeDate and time the text notification was actually sent to consumer
IsLinkValidDefines is payout link is valid: If sentDateTime minus today is beyond linkExpirationDays (days in which payout link is available) payout link is no longer valid
LinkClickedTimesThe number of times the consumer has clicked the Payout link
StatusStatus of the Payout. See payout status table below for more details.
ReasonCodeIdField that can provide additional details for payout errors. See reason code table below for more details.
TransferMethodUpon a successful payout completion, the system identifies whether the consumer selected Push to Card, Bank Account (RTP), or Bank Account (ACH). See transfer method table below for more details.
tTansferReferenceTransaction reference code provided by Cross River Bank
IsCompletionConfirmedDefines if a confirmation from CRB that the payout has been executed was received.

Example - push to card may complete in 30 min
CompletionDateTimeDate and time that the consumer completed the payout
SettlementDateTimeDate and time that the payout was settled
FeeFee assessed for the completed processing of the payout.
MetadataCustom properties in JSON format specified by merchant on payout creation

Payout Status

1CreatedRegistered in database - default when created
2ScheduledScheduled to be sent
3On holdFlagged - for example, because of duplicate entry check or other AML check
4SentAwaiting acceptance - payout link has been sent to payee
5CompletedPayee successfully accepted payout
6FailedPayee has attempted 5 attempts to verify their identity
7AbandonedPayout link was sent and now has expired
8SettledFunds have settled with Payee's financial institution.

Transfer Methods

Payees will be presented with the option to have funds transferred to their debit card or bank account. Everyware will move funds according to Payee preference and their financial institution's capabilities. If a Payee selects a real time payment (RTP) transfer method but their financial institution does not support RTP technology, Everyware will revert to a same-day ACH payment approach. Payees are notified by text message when their payouts settle.

0Push to CardFunds pushed to payee's debit card
1Bank AccountFunds transferred to payee's bank account as real-time-payment (RTP)
2Bank AccountFunds transferred by Same-Day ACH

Reason Codes

Coded reasons for when an Instant Payout is unsuccessful are provided as described below.

1001Contact info does not matchPayout customer found in system by phone number but first and last name do not match the ones specified in payout request.
1002Transaction amount below min limitPayout amount is less than transaction limit configured per merchant
1003Transaction amount above max limitPayout amount is more than transaction limit configured per merchant
1004Duplicate check failedA payout with the same phone number and amount is in system
1005Payout account not createdMerchant does not yet have an established payout account with an Everyware Instant Payout banking partner.
1006Payout account not activatedMerchant has a payout account at an Instant Payout financial institution but it has yet to be activated or connected to their Sales Site/Location in Everyware.
1007Insufficient balanceMerchant's balance is insufficient to process a payout
1008Daily limit for payouts exceededUnable to schedule a payout
1009Monthly limit for payouts exceededUnable to schedule a payout
1010Schedule date max is in past
1011Customer opted out of text messagingPayee's mobile number to which you're trying to send the Instant Payout link has blocked messages from the merchant's assigned messaging number
1019Flagged by AML checkEveryware has reviewed the instant payout record and has held back the payout link from sending to the Payee upon noticing a potential risk threat
1100Validation attempts exceededThe Payee has attempted to verify their identity by entering the wrong date of birth in their Instant Payout Security Check step. This likely means the DOB they're entering does not match that stored with their contact profile.
1101Transaction canceled by merchantMerchant has applied the cancel action to the Instant Payout record in question in the Everyware portal.
1102Transaction rejected during processing
1103Transaction failed during processing
1104Transaction canceled during processing
1105Refund was requested
1106Research required
1107Transaction escalated
1108Manual override

Code Sample

    "batchId": "8ef23f5e-f423-42d5-be9e-41af8763b0f9",
    "externalId": "f6d18621-10e9-4f1f-9547-44cf5f074477",
    "clientReference": "997860dc-daff-40e7-af45-3033c41b2931",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "phoneNumber1": "205-222-2275",
    "phoneNumber2": null,
    "correlationId": "99192dcc-203d-44c4-a434-1d0cbd736461"
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic [xxx]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
    "batchId": "8ef23f5e-f423-42d5-be9e-41af8763b0f9",
    "externalId": "f6d18621-10e9-4f1f-9547-44cf5f074477",
    "clientReference": "997860dc-daff-40e7-af45-3033c41b2931",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "phoneNumber1": "205-222-2275",
    "correlationId": "99192dcc-203d-44c4-a434-1d0cbd736461"
    "Data": [
            "CorrelationId": "99192dcc-203d-44c4-a434-1d0cbd736461",
            "BatchId": "8ef23f5e-f423-42d5-be9e-41af8763b0f9",
            "BatchName": "2023/08/03 Payout Batch",
            "ExternalId": "f6d18621-10e9-4f1f-9547-44cf5f074477",
            "ClientReference": "997860dc-daff-40e7-af45-3033c41b2931",
            "FirstName": "Jane",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "PhoneNumber1": "2052222275",
            "Email": "",
            "Address": "Brazos str.",
            "City": "Austin",
            "StateCode": "TX",
            "ZipCode": "123456",
            "ValidationId": "DOB",
            "ValidationIdType": 0,
            "ValidationIdDescription": "Enter your DOB to validate",
            "ValidationId2": null,
            "ValidationId2Type": null,
            "ValidationId2Description": null,
            "Amount": 1.0000,
            "ShortDescription": "Lorem ipsum",
            "ScheduleDateMin": "2023-08-04T00:00:00",
            "ScheduleDateMax": "2024-05-30T00:00:00",
            "ScheduleDate": "2023-08-04T00:00:00",
            "SentDateTime": "2023-08-03T20:47:10.983",
            "LinkExpirationDays": 15,
            "Metadata": null,
            "CreatedAt": "2023-08-03T20:40:28.347",
            "LinkClickedTimes": 0,
            "Status": 4,
            "ReasonCodeId": null,
            "TransferMethod": null,
            "TransferReference": null,
            "IsCompletionConfirmed": false,
            "CompletionDateTime": null,
            "SettlementDateTime": null,
            "Fee": null,
            "IsLinkValid": true
    "IsSuccessful": true,
    "Message": null