Creating a Payment

Create a new payment in the system.

Access Endpoint URL: [POST]

The CreatePayment method allows you to accept online credit card or bank account payments.

Inbound Parameters

Parameters should be passed in a single JSON-body object.

Parameter NameDescriptionOptional/Required
FirstNameThe first name of the customer making the payment.Required
LastNameThe last name of the customer making the payment.Required
Address1Line one of the address of the customer making the payment. May not always be required depending on the gateway.Optional
Address2Line two of the address of the customer making the payment.Optional
CityThe city in the address of the customer making the payment.Optional
StateCodeThe state code in the address of the customer making the payment.

Format: 2-letter code (TX, FL, etc.)
*Required for ACH transactions, otherwise optional.
PostalCodeThe postal/zip code in the address of the customer making the payment.Optional
CountryCodeThe country code in the address of the customer making the payment.

Example: United States = US
EmailThe email address of the customer making the payment.

MobilePhoneThe mobile phone number (10-digits max, no formatting) of the customer making the payment. If Everyware messaging and invoicing are not being used, a unique 10-digit number that is not a phone number may be used. Speak with your Everyware representative for more information.

Example: 3055551212
CCNumberThe credit card number of the customer making the payment. No spaces should be included in the parameter.💳 REQUIRED FOR CREDIT CARD METHOD
ExpirationMonthThe month in which the paying customer's credit card will expire. Months 1-9 require a preceding 0.

Examples: "05", "11"
ExpirationYearThe year in which the paying customer's credit card will expire. Must be provided in 2-digit format.

Example: 2016 = "16"
CVVThe verification code on the paying customer's credit card.

For Visa or Master Card, this is a 3-digit number. For American Express, this is a 4-digit number.
CardTypeThe brand of the card.Optional
CardTokenThe token for the card to be charged, as returned from the Create Payment API.Optional
ACHTokenThe token generated from the individual's banking information.Optional
AccountNameThe name associated with the bank account.Optional
AccountNumberThe bank account number of the customer. Used for ACH transactions. When testing in the sandbox, any account number between four and eleven digits may be used.🏦 REQUIRED FOR ACH METHOD
RoutingNumberThe bank routing number for the customer's bank account. Used for ACH transactions. When testing in the sandbox, any valid US routing number may be used.🏦 REQUIRED FOR ACH METHOD
AccountTypeThe type of bank account.Optional
PaymentTypeDefault value set to "CreditCard". If doing ACH transactions, set value to "ACH".Optional
AmountThe amount that is to be paid by the customer.

Example: 1.00
DescriptionA description of the processed order.Optional
OrderNumberThis should be a unique value your application defines which is associated with the invoice that appears on the top of the customer facing invoice as "Invoice #" and throughout the Everyware portal.Optional
ChargeTypeCharge – Charge a Credit Card or ACH account in a single transaction.

For ACH 🏦 - Use Charge

Authorize – authorize a Credit Card for a specific amount but doesn't charge it right away.

Default value is Charge. Use this parameter instead of IsAuthOnly unless your Everyware Implementation Specialist indicates otherwise.

If true, sends a receipt via automatic email to the email address provided above. Default value set to true.

If true, sends a receipt via SMS to the mobile phone number provided above. Default value set to true.

Set to true to tokenize credit card or ACH account as it is run.

Set to false if tokenization is not desired.

Default value set to false.
StatementDescriptorIn payment receipts and receipt text messages, the statement descriptor is what will show on the customer's bank statement.

Note: *Make sure this matches with what will actually show on your customer's bank statement to avoid confusion. Otherwise, set up custom descriptors for your sales site(s) with your Everyware rep.
IndividualIDThe ID associated with the customer making the payment in the Everyware system.Optional
ExternalIDA unique identifier from an external system associated with the payment that Everyware can store.Optional

Determines whether this is simply authorization and not capture. Used only for specific gateways.

Default value is set to false.
ConvAmountThe dollar amount for an optional convenience fee. The settings for this fee can be adjusted in Portal.

If left blank or at $0.00, it will not appear as a line item.
TipAmountThe dollar amount that will be left as a tip.Optional
TaxAmountThe dollar amount for the taxes to be charged. Settings for taxes can be adjusted in Portal.

If left blank or at $0.00, it will not appear as a line item.
SubtotalAmountThe total dollar amount for all line items excluding taxes and fees.Optional
DiscountAmountThe amount that will be discounted from the total charge.Optional
DeliveryFeeThe dollar amount for the optional "Delivery Fee" line item, which can be activated and adjusted in Portal.

If left blank or at $0.00, it will not appear as a line item.
CustomFee1The dollar amount for an optional, custom line item. This fee type can be activated, labeled, and adjusted in the Everyware Portal.

If left blank or at $0.00, it will not appear as a line item.
CustomFee2The dollar amount for an optional, custom line item. This fee type can be activated, labeled, and adjusted in the Everyware Portal.

If left blank or at $0.00, it will not appear as a line item.
CustomerExternalIDA unique identifier from an external system associated with the customer making the payment that Everyware can store.Optional
InvoiceExternalIDA unique identifier from an external system associated with the invoice the customer is paying that Everyware can store.Optional
OtherAmount1A field that can store any other amount associated with the payment that is desired.Optional
OtherAmount2A field that can store any other amount associated with the payment that is desired.Optional
OtherAmount3A field that can store any other amount associated with the payment that is desired.Optional
OtherAmount4A field that can store any other amount associated with the payment that is desired.Optional
AmountPaymentFeeThe fee associated with special charges for certain payment methods. If you charge 1.00 to use a card, for example, this is where you would indicate the 1.00.Optional
OtherAmount1NameThe name for the amount in OtherAmount1.Optional
OtherAmount2NameThe name for the amount in OtherAmount2.Optional
OtherAmount3NameThe name for the amount in OtherAmount3.Optional
OtherAmount4NameThe name for the amount in OtherAmount4.Optional
NamePaymentFeeThe name given to the amount in the AmountPaymentFee parameter.Optional

Sample Use Case 1: Create Card Payment

Use a customer's card as the payment method.

    "FirstName": "Suzie",
    "LastName": "Sick",
    "Address1": "123 Testing",
    "Address2": "",
    "City": "Austin",
    "StateCode": "TX",
    "PostalCode": "78701",
    "CountryCode": "US",
    "Email": "",
    "CCNumber": "111111111111111",
    "ExpirationMonth": "11",
    "ExpirationYear": "29",
    "CVV": "111",
    "Amount": "1",
    "Description": "New Patient Enrollment Fee",
    "OrderNumber": "111111",
    "ChargeType": "Charge",
    "IsEmailReceipt": false,
    "IsSMSReceipt": true,
    "StatementDescriptor": "HelloSunshine",
    "CreateToken": true
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic [xxx]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
    "FirstName": "Suzie",
    "LastName": "Sick",
    "Address1": "123 Testing",
    "Address2": "",
    "City": "Austin",
    "StateCode": "TX",
    "PostalCode": "78701",
    "CountryCode": "US",
    "Email": "",
    "CCNumber": "111111111111111",
    "ExpirationMonth": "11",
    "ExpirationYear": "29",
    "CVV": "111",
    "Amount": "1",
    "Description": "New Patient Enrollment Fee",
    "OrderNumber": "111111",
    "ChargeType": "Charge",
    "IsEmailReceipt": false,
    "IsSMSReceipt": true,
    "StatementDescriptor": "HelloSunshine",
    "CreateToken": true
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "Message": "The credit card has been accepted.",
    "Data": {
        "TransactionStatus": true,
        "InvoiceNumber": "ew_3JN25fAawEMtODxF3OEtn7Q1",
        "InvoiceID": "ew_3JN25fAawEMtODxF3OEtn7Q1",
        "TokenStatus": true,
        "TokenResult": "card_ew12345678abc"
    "OrderNumber": "111111"

Sample Use Case 2: Create Bank Account Payment

Use a customer's bank account as the payment method.

    "FirstName": "Suzie",
    "LastName": "Sick",
    "Address1": "123 Suzie St",
    "Address2": "",
    "City": "Boca",
    "StateCode": "FL",
    "PostalCode": "33472",
    "CountryCode": "US",
    "PaymentType": "ACH",
    "Email": "",
    "MobilePhone": "5129474078",
    "AccountNumber": "1234536",
    "RoutingNumber": "031176110",
    "Amount": "1",
    "Description": "Name of Item Purchased",
    "ChargeType": "charge",
    "IsEmailReceipt": false,
    "IsSMSReceipt": true,
    "StatementDescriptor": "HelloSunshineMaster",
    "CreateToken": false
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic [xxx]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw ' {
    "FirstName": "Suzie",
    "LastName": "Sick",
    "Address1": "123 Suzie St",
    "Address2": "",
    "City": "Boca",
    "StateCode": "FL",
    "PostalCode": "33472",
    "CountryCode": "US",
    "Email": "",
    "MobilePhone": "5129474078",
    "AccountNumber": "1234536",
    "RoutingNumber": "031176110",
    "Amount": "1",
    "Description": "Name of Item Purchased",
    "ChargeType": "charge",
    "IsEmailReceipt": false,
    "IsSMSReceipt": true,
    "StatementDescriptor": "HelloSunshineMaster",
    "CreateToken": false
    "IsSuccess": true,
    "Message": "\r\nThe credit card has been accepted.",
    "Data": {
        "TransactionStatus": true,
        "InvoiceNumber": "EWTest_141150e7-1cae-4236-be7a-6147098614fa",
        "InvoiceID": "EWTest_141150e7-1cae-4236-be7a-6147098614fa",
        "ReceiptNumber": "EWTest_141150e7-1cae-4236-be7a-6147098614fa",
        "TokenStatus": false,
        "TokenResult": null
    "OrderNumber": "E366849224",
    "SMSID": null

Example Integrated Payment Webform

Integrated payment webform using the CreatePayment API to process online card payments.